Azur Lane Shipgirls

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-_ You can click anywhere outside this text box to close it _- Welcome to the Anime Armada Character Creator! Or more like, Character Selector... Regardless, I'll explain a bit about the site. So what is this? It's a fairly rudimentary little website you can use to select what character you'd like to play as in CK3, assuming you're using the mods which Anime Armada translates. You can browse until you find a character you like. Once you do, click on them to bring up the code for that particular character. You'll then be able to either download their file directly, or copy and paste it yourself. Downloading directly is the most straightforward way, and all you'll need to do is drop the "Shipgirl Base.ck3ruler" file into the proper directory for CK3. Which should be at this folder location: [ C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\rulers ] Or, if you'd rather copy and paste the code for yourself, you can just paste it into a new .ck3ruler file you create. It's a standard .txt file that just has the extension changed from .txt to .ck3ruler Regardless of the method you choose, now you just need to get in-game and create your custom character, then select the option to load a saved preset and choose the 'Shipgirl Base' character. Please note that this little tool just facilitates picking a character you like the looks of. Customizing the character further will be up to you. Name, stats, religion, etc. Note that you can switch the current Character Tab by clicking on the ⤴ button. Also note that certain characters require specific mods. Here is a guide listing requirements: Azur Lane -Requires Azur Lane mod Girls' Frontline -Requires Girls' Frontline mod Warship Girls R -Requires Hm Invasion mod Clover Theater -Requires Hm Invasion mod Genshin/Honkai -Requires Hm Invasion mod Pretty Derby -Requires Hm Invasion mod VTuber/Other -Requires Hm Invasion mod